

Monday, September 19, 2011

O my baby boy!

Cayden is still in physical therapy...everyday he goes it gets more and more difficult for him....I keep reminding him that PT is why he gets to walk and play like the other kids...and he says back to me "what if it doesn't work momma?.. I want to be a normal everyday the ones in my class." 6 years old he does not understand why this is happening to him..and even at my age I don't understand either. He continues to push through the pain everyday..even when I know he is hurting he still doesn't give up...

Emmotionally this has taken a toll  on my baby's confidence..anger issues and just socializing in general.

My heart breaks everyday for him and what he is going through, but I am so helpless and can't take the pain away. He still refuses to take the wheelchair to school due to how he gets treated...he says they (the teachers) don't help him so he would rather hurt and walk. This is so not fair to him....last week a teacher "forgot" about his condition and he had to walk laps with the other children for being loud at lunch...seriously so 45 mins of loud voices.... plus laps around a playground... equals severe pain for him that could last for a week or longer...and all I get is "I forgot" or "I didn't think about it, he should have said something" As a Perthes parent I believe there should be more accomodations at school for him..ex: an aide to help him get around..or just encourage him throughout the day!

My child already felt like he was in trouble so why tell them in fear he would get into more trouble if he stopped walking....they are the adults and they should know...I have a 504 plan and his condition is explained extensively to both of the teachers who made him walk that day.

Awareness is why I started this blog and why I will continue...everyone needs to know why he looks fine on the outside, but in pain on the inside. They need to know what to look for and not just settle for "growing pains"

As I tell Cayden "we continue to do the things we love to do....just in a different way"

Thanks everyone for reading...please pass this on and help spread the awareness!