

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Physical Therapy

     8 months into this what some call a "journey" but I call it a nightmare of Legg Calve Perthes....symptoms are getting worse, longer painful nights and less play.... Cayden is starting to ask questions about why he has to hurt all the time and why he has the wheelchair and can't play like all the other kids......Its difficult to explain to my innocent 5 year old why this is happening to him.....when I wonder the same thing...When he has tears of pain...and hurt I try to explain to him why he is so special....I remind him of all the fun things we do still....and how he gets to ride when I have to far it puts that little grin back his cute little freckled face.                                                             

    Next week he starts.. Physical Therapy and this is going to be the first of what I feel will be many sessions...I am nervous and scared at the same time...I know in the long run he will benefit from it...but I can't help to think of the what if's that come to what if he is more sore...I can't stand to see him in anymore pain than what he already has to deal with...
  As soon as Cayden got old enough to some what understand things...I decided that I would explain everything to him that I possibly could about his medical when we found out about the physical therapy I sat him down and tried explained what physical therapy was....I said "Cayden next week you are going to start physical therapy" ....immediately Cayden said " oh no I don't want shots"...I said "they don't give you shots..they are going to help you exercise your hips"...he said " mom I can do that. They don't have to help me do that" I said " well they know how to exercise in special ways" Cayden said "do they get paid?" I said "yes son" He says " well I exercise everyday and don't get paid".....and stomped off to his room... we will try that explanation again later!!!....

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