

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The third opinion......3/29/2011

                                Cayden seen doctor Puffinbarger on the 29th of March....Going into this appointment we were hoping to get an opinion that corresponded with the opinion from the give us a base to start with treatment.
                                 The appointment was at 8:45 in the morning. The day started out like many days in the past with a limp and pain..........when we arrived we waited for approx 45 mins to be seen. We went back took x-rays and then seen the doctor. The doctor had Cayden walk down the hall and back...after a few minutes the doctor said that he didn't believe the varus osteotomy would be beneficial. He also said that we needed to "wait and watch" and return in 3 months. After asking several questions he did prescribe Cayden a wheelchair to assist in getting around on really bad days!
                                   This has been such an emotional rollarcoaster the last few months for all of us. Cayden is so upset that he isn't supposed to run and play like the other kids. He cries sometimes when he can't participate in things like summer soccar, T-ball or other active sports. Cayden was a very active child since he could walk and now to basically shut him down to a screeching hault because of a disease that has taken his childhood is so heart breaking and what makes it worse is not getting straight answers that correspond with what other answers we have gotten.....We are lost right now as to what to do next. My gut feeling says that he needs something more than just "wait and watch", but financially we can't pick up and go see the specialist guru's in Baltimore or sitting and twittling our thumbs waiting for a sign from God as what to do.......


  1. I wish you all the best luck in the world. I would go with the majority of the doctors, so if two out of three say wait, you best wait, but if two out of three say treatment go for it. Sadly time is often the best healer, which I know can be very anoying

  2. I have to disagree with waiting. I am a 32 year old woman was was diagnoised with LCPD or Legg Calve Perthes Disease at the age of 7. My mother waited too, this was back in the 80's and not many doctors knew what was wrong with me. Since perthes is a loss of blood supply to the bone, the longer you wait, the more damage can be done. My parents opted to not give me surgery, but alternative treatment because of money issues. I wore leg brace for a year and a full body cast for about 3 months. I was also in the hospital retractions for a few weeks as well. I know how it feels to be that age and not be able to do physical activities like the other children. My heart goes out to your son. To this day, I have many problems with my hip and over all health. My left leg is about an inch and a half shorter and getting worse every year. I have devloped bone spurs, RA, OA and it did affect my growth plate. I have back problems because of the balance issues I have. If I could suggest anything, it would be to get as many opinions as possible. The earlier the treatment and detecting of LCPD the better chance your son will have less problems as an adult. Good Luck! I feel your and your sons pain....
