

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cayden's journey........

                               I am the mother of an awesome 5 year old little boy who already has faced more medical issues than a boy his age should.....and with this experience he has done some pretty amazing things......he has over come kidney disease, fighting asthma and now battling Perthes.
                               For those who don't know Perthes is a rare hip disease that robbs our children of their childhood. Few have heard of this terrible diesease and even fewer know how to treat it. Perthes is where due to lack of blood flow to the hip it begins to break down and deteriorate....this is a very painful and life altering disease not just for the child, but the whole family.

                               On the morning of 12/30/2010 Cayden and I were going to have a VCUG done on his kidneys due to an ultrasound showing an adnormal hump on one of his kidneys....little did we know we were fixing to be blind sided by something we never knew exsisted.
                                As we walked the long halls of Children's OU hospital I noticed Cayden started to limp....then started to complain that his leg was sore. Up until this exact day he never even showed a sign anything was remotely wrong with his leg. So I picked him up and finished traveling down what seemed to be the never ending hallway! This was a very emotional day for all of us, this "hump" could be almost anything....very nervously Cayden went through this uncomfortable procedure like a champ....due to him still limping I carried him back down every long hall we previously traveled....little did we know what was in store for us.
                                Later that evening Cayden stopped limping.....puzzled I just thought he played really hard the night before and maybe he was just sore...after all boys are always jumping,climbing and running all over everything!! This was on a Thursday and then the weekend went great...we had so much fun! Monday morning Cayden woke up at 6 in the morning screaming in pain.....and he couldn't walk.
                                As fast as I possibly could I got him dressed, him screaming the whole time, loaded him up and off to the ER we went....after about 45 minutes of waiting to be seen Cayden was up and walking and playing this point I am thinking this kid needs a grammy....the doctor still decided to do X-rays and came to the conclusion that he had a "strained" hip. Me not knowing any different and out of answers had to take what they told me as fact....after all he is now walking and playing just fine.
                                 January 3,2011- after practically making myself sick worrying about how the VCUG turned out I finally called the doctor at the children's hospital....that is when the nurse broke the news of Perthes disease which hit us like a ton of bricks...I remember telling that nurse no it was a VCUG of his kidneys not a hip....and insisted she recheck the name and date of birth again....and again she verified and told us we needed to get him to an orthopedic doctor ASAP! At this point we had a name for this "disease",but didn't have a single clue what it was. That very next day we were in the Orthopedic office very nervous at what this was....and this is where his journey first began....

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