

Monday, May 2, 2011


For those of that are new to this blog here is a recap.....Cayden is my 5 year old little fighter...Dec 2010 he was diagnosed with a rare hip condition called Perthes, this is just another obstacle that he is fighting to overcome. Up to this point we feel like we are running in circles trying to bite the tail that isn't there!

                  Today Cayden is having just a little bit of a problem walking.....he refused his wheelchair this morning,because he says the other kids stare at him...and that is where I wanted to start today.....when Cayden was old enough to start asking questions about those with disabilities we would sit down and explain it to was really hard sometimes knowing what to say, but we did the best we could.
                 When Cayden takes his chair out in public or even when he limps people stare....not only kids,but adults too! I was shocked by the amount of adults that would act as if they to were a child...and point...not to mention those that would not move out or the way or assist going through doorways ect...but just stare. It is very hurtful.....all he wants is to be "normal" as he says. 

                Cayden is so self conscious that he doesn't want to be the center of attention.....he has hard days when the wheelchair is a must and good days where he forgets he has what I am getting at is if you are a parent put yourself in my shoes......what if that were your child people are staring at or won't move to get through. Explain to your children what it means to be in a wheelchair or why they shouldn't stare...........

1 comment:

  1. Yup. I feel your pain. My sweet girl went on one last field trip before her fixator operation. They got her a special wheelchair bus that her whole class could ride on. They all happily watched her ride the lift up, and started piling on the bus. Suddenly, someone said they were not "allowed" to ride on the special bus, and they all departed, leaving Joy and her mommy to ride alone. Crazy, stupid and hurtful. I am happy she got to go on the trip, but we sure felt excluded on the ride there.
