

Friday, June 17, 2011

UPDATE: June 14,2011.......

     Sorry it has been awhile Cayden is pretty much keeping me busy!......So to update everyone....Cayden went for a about three weeks with very little pain...He was actually playing like a 5 year old should....and then we were broad sided by extreme pain that kept him confined to the wheelchair for the better part of 3 days....we were up at all hours of the night....pain medicine every 4 hours and bathes at hours of the night I didn't know exsisted.....he would use an electric blanket to soothe the pain with the was a very long 3 days....It took alot out of all of us...
     June 14,2011- As I pushed him in his wheelchair down the long hall at OU Childrens University to the Orthopedic department all I could do was pray......Cayden had a good summer so far, but I knew those three days of pain were different than usual....we signed in and waited to be called back.....Finally what seemed forever the nurse came to the waiting room and called Cayden's name...the whole time I sat there I prayed we would receive good news...First thing we did was x-rays...then it was time for truths...the first thing the doctor said when he came into the room was does Cayden complain one or both hips hurt?...My stomach dropped..I knew exactly what that meant....Cayden said both my legs hurt and they are really tired all the time...the doctor checked his range of motion which is very impressive...and then pulled up the x-rays.....he went over the left one which continues to break down normally and then he pulled up the right hip x-ray....and there we seenimmediately what we were terrified of...Cayden now has Perthes in the right hip as well.
  When both hips are affected it is called bilateral perthes...which only occur in about 10-20% of all cases and normally diagnoses come months apart.....
   Cayden is a fighter and we will get through this together.....Perthes is LIFE altering not LIFE threatening! We will make it!

1 comment:

  1. My prayers are with you all. He is one Brave Little Boy!!
